As he has taken up residence with me, I will keep this site posted as to his growth if he hangs around long enough.
This little jumping spider gives an idea of his size as he peers at the camera amongst the hairs on my arm.
The lady bird, pictured below, was not noticed until I processed the photo at home,
so I was not able to get a better shot.
Denis, meanwhile, had found another Ant Orchid sub species. This is pictured below, again showing the pseudo insect that , along with a sexual pheromone, helps in the pollination of this plant......yes, these orchids are houses of ill repute for the wasps that visit them.
Will wonders never cease.
My daughters found it in the backyard, and it came in for a visit, a photo shoot, and was gone..
Insects, such as this, are out and about with the warmer weather. With brilliant colouring they are always a pleasure to shoot at such close quarters. You just have to be quick, as they will not usually stay still for long.