Well this Summer Break proved to be one of interest with friends and relatives over from Europe.
They were all surprised( including my side of the family) to find out that Petra and I had gone off to " tie the knot " 4 weeks earlier up at Carrington Falls in a small personal ceremony with 2 friends to act as witnesses for our great day....hey call it artistic expression.

Congrats to RayRay on the shots...you didn't do bad at all mate :)
...Anyway, once everything had settled down(lol) it was time for a little Aussie tour.
What better place to start than the roof of Australia....

Insects will live almost everywhere, and the warmer months of this Alpine environment are alive with a variety of forms.

It was cool, although the sun was quite hot.
There was even some scattered snow on the peaks...

Another national park we visited was the first such park in the world.
Royal National Park, just south of Sydney, has recovered well from the 90 percent burn of 2000.
The heath lands have greened remarkably from the ashen state I saw after the fires.
Audley is a good spot for a picnic with a friendly ranger pointing out this little guy...An Eastern Dwarf Tree frog. At around 1cm in length, its aptly named.

The Eastern coast of Australia holds many environments, and species...Including birds such as this King Parrot.

... and these huge orb weavers with circular webs over 2m in diameter

Coastal birds..like these pelican... travel way inland top have their young, only to return in warmer months for the great fishing of the far south coast.

Yep...good fishing down here :)

Hoping all had a good Xmas, and a Happy New Year.
May this year be prosperous and safe.