Sunday, August 28, 2011

Echidna and Hitch-hiker

Things have warmed up enough for Echidna to begin getting about.
As this guy made a dash to ground I was able to snap a shot or two, be it with the wide angle lens I had attached at the time - not really up to the task for this sort of work, and noticed a couple of hitch-hikers.

Now you may ask what sort of  incredibly game critter would hitch on the back of an Echidna, well a rather small and potentially dangerous one - the Blue Paralysis Tick.

While probably not too much hassle to the Echidna, for humans its a whole different story.
These little-fingernail sized ticks have been known to kill many a domestic pet and cause illness in humans.
Im not sure if anyone has died from these ticks, though I wouldn't doubt it was possible.
Just another sign that Spring is just about here and that the critters are awakening.

Monday, August 15, 2011

White Sea Eagle chicks

A stand of dead trees with a view has been the hangout of a couple of White Sea Eagle chicks from last breeding season.
Still covered in their brown plumage, these adolescent birds have been combing the area for small rodents in the surrounding fields.

With nesting already begun this year for adult birds, the numbers of these great hunters have increased in this area due to a plentiful food supply ranging from small rodents to full grown Fairy Penguin.

Monday, August 01, 2011

My cheeky friend

It only takes a little kindness to make a friend.
Sometimes that friend can take things for granted.
Its always ok when your somewhat cheeky friend is a butcher Bird.

While I'm not into feeding masses of birds - its not good practice, for it provides an unstable food source that, if discontinued, can cause all sorts of problems - I make exception for this guy.
The Butcher Bird is a member of the Kingfisher family and will readily make itself part of your family, given enough encouragement which, by the way, is very little.
After returning from fishing with my hard earned catch, this guy promptly tried to snatch a fish more than twice his size as I was cleaning them.
The photo below shows him demonstrating that he can indeed catch his own meal. 
A point he made when I was a little slow in providing food for him.
You will notice the colouration of yellows and blues under his wings and on his body.
This is not readily evident, though can be seen with correct lighting (and luck).

Yes, a not exactly patient, though worthwhile, friend to make..