Sunday, December 28, 2014

Morning journey

Although not here often I do call past and post occasionally.
I hope  that Christmas was good for those that celebrate it and that  those whose New Year comes soon have a prosperous one.
Here is a small vid for those who keep a wonder of nature in their hearts despite a busy world.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

John Butler talks about Fracking.

John Butler talks about Fracking.
Canberra 2014

John discusses the methods behind fracking and how this fracking can give more than just coal seam gas.
This practice is ruining your environment. Stop fracking now.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Autumn storms at last with thoughts sent to North Qld

Well I've been waiting for an Autumn storm for a while that would put on a bit of a show.
This wasn't  what I've been waiting for though it wasn't too bad for a start.

This was taken in the South West of NSW at Tumut.

The weather has been wet Australia wide lately with cyclone Ita making news tonight.
My thoughts go out to those in its path and stay safe guys.

Things are cooling down with a cold wet winter becoming a distinct possibility.

Thursday, March 06, 2014

Back after the heat

Little did I know the fun we were in for over summer back in late October at the time of my last post.
With over 2 months of searing heat consistently reaching the mid 40's in the Celsius scale and some nights still 30 Celsius at midnight the skies were free of birds and creatures great and small retreated to whatever haven they could find from the relentless temperatures.

It was within this oven like environment I found myself and awaited for more than the industrious ants and my dying garden to shoot. 

Autumn has brought some relief and some needed rain ( I think we had about 10 mm total over summer)
so I am back at it.

Considering how rare the following scene has been I shall start with this. Storm clouds bringing much needed rain and helping bring back life to all.

Still awaiting the big thunder storms to produce some good lightning shots.
Just may get a chance before winter sets in.