Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Astronomy Robbo Style

The latest full moon was spectacular, as were the last few.
Crisp clean air giving clarity and definition to formations.
Although I was disappointed in the shot, I have included it as an object lesson in preparedness. Always carry a tripod.
The shot was taken, hand held, at 420mm optical zoom with 4x digital assistance.
The crescent shot illustrates the difference a tripod can make.
The distant shot, while hand held, retains definition due to the moderate zoom used.
On clear nights in Robbo you can find Chris out with his 300mm refracting telescope.
Always willing to give people a peek at the cosmos, he trained the scope on the moon the other night with great result. Jupiter and four of its moons were also visible though, as Chris would agree, finer detail in the sky can only be achieved on a moonless night.


  1. hi David,

    excellent photography. I must have a go at some moon shots sometime, but mostly I just take in the moment.

    Last night's moon rise in rural Hunter Valley was spectacular with a huge golden/orange ball rising above the clear horizon. It soon disappeared into clouds, and when it emerged, the golden colour had reverted to its usual silver light.

    Morning moon sets have also been brilliant with the pastel pink and blue layers of the sky.

    I am in envy of the wonderful bunch of friendly Robbo characters who obviously share their interest and enthusiasm for nature amongst the community.


  2. Gosh, David.
    It must be the season - we are all doing moons.
    Gaye from the Hunter has been checking your site too.
    Great skies.
    I don't know about Chris and his telescope. I'd love to meet him. Can you pls arrange that?


  3. Chris and I have been discussing mounts for cameras to his scope. Im sure we can work a night to get some good shots. I'll catch up with him and give you a call.

  4. Hi Gaye,
    Thanks for the comment. Praise from respected peers is always welcome.
    My only regret about living in Robbo is that I didnt move here years ago. I find it a diverse and interesting place.

  5. David,

    knowing how expertly you have captured the moon, I am hoping you will have your camera ready for the lunar eclipse tonight.



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