Saturday, November 24, 2007

A forest of bloodsuckers

After the wet and misty weather we have had, I thought a trip to the Robbo Reserve would be a good idea.
I hadnt been there for a while, so a visit was long overdue.

The kids and I found few fungi, and a whole heap of leeches.
The area was overrun with them, not only on the forest floor but also dropping from higher branches in the canopy.

We were lucky to make it out
Seriously though, I have never seen so many leeches in all my many walks through the environs they so love.
Most were quite small, giving the impression that they were the product of a quite successful breeding season some time recently.

The kids found the whole adventure quite educational....if a little creepy.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Spiders out in force

Denis Wilson was over the other day swapping spider sightings,
when a huntsman, pictured below, made an appearance.
Only palm size, I expect him to grow quite a bit larger over the
coming months with the profusion of insects out at the moment.

As he has taken up residence with me, I will keep this site posted as to his growth if he hangs around long enough.

This little jumping spider gives an idea of his size as he peers at the camera amongst the hairs on my arm.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Night Sky Animation

Its been a little while since I got to my blog, as I have been dabbling more in animation of late.

This piece was shot some time ago, though gives an idea what I have been up to.

For those not accustomed with you tube, you can find my humble site at:

Rest assured, more great photos coming soon ;-)