Wednesday, July 30, 2008

More Avians.....big and small

As previously mentioned there are a pair of Sea Eagles in my area.
Locals have told me that a nest is close handy, and the pair regularly do trips to and from the ocean, fixing those sharp eyes on all...including the lens of my camera.

I believe I photographed a product of that nesting the other day...pictured below.

I was able to get the following shots of this bird also....

Seems the young bird was collecting material for a we are well into nesting season now.
Since it is not yet mature I wondered if it was helping with the parents nest building....or starting its own.
Perhaps a little learning time is needed to build such a large construction successfully .

More info on these amazing birds can be found here

One a much smaller scale I was also able to photograph this little guy below.....

This Butcher bird was happy to have his photo taken and I have spotted at least three in the area.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Having been told that it is a great time to watch birds, there being a profusion both of numbers and species at the moment, I got the camera out for a day at the beach.
What I have presented here is, except for a Sea Eagle , some Seagulls, a couple of Crows and some Plovers, what I was able to see during a 3 hour walk.
I recognize the Sandpipers, though the others are a mystery...Perhaps there is an avian expert out there who could ID them? :)

The Black Swan is presently with its mate in a neighboring Dam, and seems to have taken residence there over Winter...along with some Ducks and Waterfowl

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Where DID he go?

I have received much in the way of emails asking where I have gone.
Thank you to those of you who have missed my roaming' in hand.
We will keep in it from a distance.
After spending much time in the beautiful Highlands area, having taken literally Gigs of material covering everything I could from wasps to waterfalls, I have moved camp to the far south coast.
I now live on a little seaside property with new and exciting flora and fauna to upload to this site.
To illustrate how far south it is I have loaded this shot.
(tongue in cheek)

Yes, some would say its the ends of the Earth though, for a nature photographer, it is paradise.
A pristine environment awaits my lens and you may expect natural wonders unseen in more populated areas.

A big thank you to Denis for all his help, and for some very interesting field trips during my time in Robertson....congrats also with your work in helping stop the Aquifer Project. Kudos

Friday, July 18, 2008


In previous posts I have shown the surface tension properties of water, in regard to the shape of droplets and the crown like designs as the liquid hits a solid surface.
I couldn't resist adding this latest shot of droplets hanging on a spider web.
Water gives not only its amazing surface tension properties to create this shot, it also has the ability to act as a the reflections of the plant behind it...producing a myriad of reflected forms.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Back online (kind of)

Well its been a long break from the life of a regular blogger...posting pics at will, with Internet at a safe distance from a good coffee though, with a little persistence, I managed today to align the satellite dish and so am able to send these few pics to you the viewer of my humble site.

Having returned from Germany, I have settled in in a new area with a whole new set of flora and fauna to post.
The following shots are, firstly, of a glorious sunset I was able to capture the other day...followed by some local fauna.

These avians are regular visitors to my area and are, I believe, a hawk and a sea eagle.
The hawk was hunting in my backyard for mice, and the sea eagle has a nest not far away and does regular patrols on the trip to the ocean and back.
I hope for more pictures of these two, and will post what I get.

This last shot was taken by Petra when we were at the beach the other day.
I am not sure what type of whale it was, though a group of three passed by and I look forward to a little whale watching over the next few months as well.

I have many pictures of Germany yet to post, and will do so as I go through the many Gigs that I have taken.
You, the viewer, may look forward to many interesting shots over the following months.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Back in OZ

Just a quick note to say I'm back in OZ.
As I have no internet connection at the moment I will amass a variety of photos and service will be resumed ASAP.
Take care all, and see you soon with some mind blowing pics of our natural world.