Thursday, October 30, 2008

Whale of a time

Whale migration has been well underway for some time now.
Yesterday I got down to the headlands to check the action.
In a 2 hour period I must have spotted 20 or more humpback Whales...many with calf.

I saw a couple of Killer Whales also...and one very carefree seal ( pictured below).

With a trip planned to Twofold Bay next weekend perhaps I will have more shots on offer...with a good breach shot on the wish list.


  1. Great shots. I've missed most of the local whale action this time around. Everyone keeps telling the following day how good they were :-)

  2. Lucky you David, I haven't seen a whale since 1990. Wonderful to watch.

  3. Half your luck, David
    Good for you.

  4. Thanks for the comments guys,
    About another few weeks should see things fairly busy for you Mosura.


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